2023 Civic Tech Hackathon

February 25-26, 2023 at the Boston University Center for Computing and Data Science

The Civic Tech Hackathon brought together students who are passionate about creating change and interested in the intersections of computer programming and government / public policy.

In early 2023, student teams used technology to solve pertinent issues in society around themes of education, election turnout, and social welfare policy. This is the practice of Public Interest Technology.

Winning Hacks

All Hacks

Check out all hacks from the 2023 Hackathon on our devpost!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

About the 2023 Civic Tech Hackathon.

Q: What is a hackathon?

A: A hackathon is an intense working event where programmers come together to work on certain projects or challenges that were orchestrated by the host organization.

Q: Who registered to attend?

A: Undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in the intersections of computer science and government/policy.

Q: Did individuals need a team to register to attend?

A: No. Individuals applied to attend alone and found a team on the day of the event. People can also apply to attend as a team with other members via the registration form. 

Q: What programming languages can I use?

A: Any and all programming languages and software were welcome.

Q: What if I don’t know how to code?

A: If you didn’t know how to code, it wasn’t a problem! Our hackathon welcomed those who knew how to code and those who didn’t. We did this to implement the interdisciplinary aspect of Public Interest Technology. We created a space where students of all skilled backgrounds could work together to create Tech For Change!

Q: What did the agenda entail?

A: Visit here to view the 2023 agenda.

Q: Were there prizes?

A: Yes! There was $5,000 in cash prizes and we raffled special prizes (e.g. monitors and drones).

Q: Was there travel assistance?

A: Students who were accepted from outside of Massachusetts received full air-fare coverage.

Q: Where did people sleep?

A: Students were provided a stay in Boston University’s new Computing and Data Science Building.

Q: Was there food?

A: Yes. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner were served.


Spark! and Computing & Data Sciences

Boston University

PIT-UN Member

Howard University

Howard University

PIT-UN Member

Public Interest Technology University Network

New America


About Us:
Tech for Change Hackathon and Organizers

Mya Turner

Project Manager

Issac Williams


Kendall Hall, Karrington Riley & Marielis Rosa


Louie Belile, Bernadelle Boateng, Raniya Delil, Amber McBorough, Favor Wariboko & Tadiwa Zinyongo


Haji Abdi, Noha Hazzazi, Anulika Nnadi & Justin Stewart


Tech For Change Team